Welcome to OfficeWitch

Many thanks for your interest in my website and blog. By way of introduction, I have been working in business administration (in the public sector and private enterprise) for more than twenty years – yes, I am the old, wrinkly sort of witch.

I came to the role of administrator by accident: having started as a science boffin, I was promoted into a management position. Like many others, I learned about administration through a process of trial and error (plenty of both). Sometimes my peers helped me but usually we were too busy to think about what we were learning and had little time to help each other.

Back in 2005 I decided that there must be a better way and I began studying for an MBA with the Open University in the UK. This was a turning point for me – I was introduced to a community of business practitioners who reflected on what they learned from every problem that they solved. This equips them to deal with similar problems in the future. More importantly, it enables them to offer tools to be used by others in the same position. That, in a nutshell, is what I want to achieve with this website: to share some of the solutions that I have found and to invite you, dear readers, to do the same.